Pros & Cons of offline dating

Pros for Offline Dating
Some people prefer dating online whereas others cannot stand it and hang out online with their sweethearts. Before you choose your best dating method, let´s check out the main reasons for offline dating:
1.You may check chemistry.
No matter what people say but all of them would agree that dating is designed to get to know each other and feel whether you like and want each other at the physical level. Chemistry is an exchange of pheromones and perception of them. Thanks to chemistry when you date offline, you feel whether you are loved and cared for or rejected.
2.You can read body language.
Reading body language is crucial for every person who dates because you may get to know lots of things about your partner. For example, if the hands of your partner are crossed, it means that they are hiding something, or if they often touch their nose, they are lying to you. According to Wendy Stokes, it is possible to check out the chemistry level thanks to body language.
3.You can touch your partner.
Physical contact is essential if you want to know whether your partner likes you or not. You may feel it with your skin receptors. For instance, you might tap your partner on the shoulder and try to analyze their reaction to it. If they smile or rejoice, they might like you a lot.
4.You can smell her or him.
As long as there are no physical limits, you can smell him or her during the date offline. According to Mandy Oaklander, you can sniff your way to love. In other words, if a person smells good to you, you will be likely to keep on dating them and willing for sex and kisses.
5.It is possible to show how deep your love is.
During the offline date, you can do your best to show how much you care or like your partner. You can help her take a seat or she can pay tips to the waiter by herself proving that she is as kind as she says and behaves.
6.You can give a physical present.
Gift exchange is a must for those whose love language is presents. If you feel loved when you receive a gift, offline dating is for you. Start with dating offline if you like to give presents and express your love this way.
7.You can do some activities together.
Going to a movie theater or shopping together will teach you lots of things about each other. For example, if your partner is very fast when it comes to choosing clothes in a shopping mall, lucky you are then.
Cons of dating offline
1.It might be difficult to leave your partner when you dislike him or her.
You might date a person whom you will completely dislike when you date offline. She or he might hurt you and it would be difficult to leave the date because they might follow you if they are crazy. So beware and come on a date with your friend sitting next to you at the table if you date in a restaurant.
2.Their perfume might irritate you.
Of course, perfumes are nice but some of them might significantly make you feel bad. You will start to cough when you date a person that uses too strong perfume. If you are allergic to some perfume ingredients, the entire date might transform into a nightmare. You would better get curious and ask your partner whether he or she is allergic to something before the date begins.
3.Long-distance relationship is impossible.
Offline dating is not easy if you live in different countries. You should spend a lot of time getting to your partner. If you are not very busy, offline dating is okay but when you are not, you would better choose another dating method.
4.You are limited in time.
When you date offline, often you might be limited because of several things. For instance, you might be limited because the specific restaurant or cafe closes at 10 pm but you have so many things to chat so you might get upset when it´s time to say bye-bye.
5.You should spend lots of money.
Getting to a place where your beloved lives is not a cheap thing. You should spend some money on tickets, fuel, or whatever way you plan to get there. If you are on a tight budget, you would better save some money for offline dating in particular.
6.You will have to dress to impress.
Looking good during the date is a must. So you will have to find nice clothes and make sure you look attractive in them. Sometimes, you will need to spend hours shopping just to find the right clothes for the date which might be distracting.
What is the best offline dating method?
There is no such term as the best offline dating method because you select it according to your life priorities by yourself. You can choose either this or that method depending on your living conditions, income, distance, etc. Just discuss the best offline dating method with your partner and opt for the one that suits both of you.
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